ClockworkMod also known as CWM is one of the most popular custom recoveries for all android devices. Custom recoveries in general helps you perform some more advanced functions such as full backup of your rom which is also known as nandroid backup and also restore, it also helps you install both signed and unsigned zip updates, themes, kernels etc.

Though all android devices comes with stock recovery but they only perform some few operations like installation of official zip update, factory reset etc. That’s the importance of custom recovery. It over writes the stock recovery and also help you perform some additional functions which you can’t find in the stock recovery.

There are different ways of booting into recovery. You can either boot from startup by pressing together the volume down and power button or volume up and power button, depending on the device.

You can also boot into recovery with rom manager or mobile uncle for mtk devices.

CWM menus and their functions:

Here are all the menus you will find in CWM mode:
1. Reboot system now.
2. Install zip from sdcard.
3. Wipe data/factory reset.
4. Backup and reset.
5. Mounts and storage.
6. Advanced.

Today I will be giving you a detailed explanation on each of the menus and their submenus.

1. Reboot system now: This is the first option you find and what it does is to reboot your device into normal mode.

2. Install zip from sdcard: This is where the installation of all flashable zip files take place.it also has some submenus which are:
==> Choose zip from sdcard: This option lets you install any CWM flashable zip file from your sdcard. This zip file can either be a rom, themes, application etc.
==> Apply /sdcard/update.zip: this option automatically installs any flashable update.zip file saved inside the root directory of your sdcard. All you just have to do is to name the zip file update.zip.
==> Toggle signature verification: This option lets you enable or disable signature verification when installing roms. Though it’s advisable to disable signature verification when installing custom roms as most custom roms are not signed.
==> Toggle script asserts: this option is used to enable or disable script asserts. Script asserts is just a way of knowing if the rom you are trying to flash is compatible with your device or not.
==> Choose zip from internal sdcard: This option allows you to choose any flashable zip file from any directory in your internal sdcard. Though this option is not available on all devices.
==> +++++go back+++++: this option will return you to CWM main menu.

3. Wipe data/factory reset: this option is used to wipe all your data and users installed application. Note that this will not affect your sdcard. And also if your internal sdcard shares a different partition with your app storage then whatever you save in your internal storage will also not be deleted. But in a situation where your applications and internal sdcard shares the same partition then everything will be deleted.

This option is also very important when flashing a new rom which defers from the one you are using before. As it will help delete all leftovers from your previous rom.

4. Wipe cache partition: this option is used to wipe your cache partition. Cache are files saved by app and also your OS to enable a quick access. This helps to save time and also sometimes saves data.

It’s always advisable to wipe cache partition before installing a new rom to prevent bootloop.

5. Backup and restore: this deals with backing up of your rom starting from the boot.img, applications, app data and also .android_secure (which contains apps saved to sdcard). It has some sub menu which are:
==> Backup: this will make a complete backup of your android device. And the backup can be found inside sdcard/clockworkmod/backup.
==>Restore: this does a complete restore of your rom from the sdcard/clockworkmod/backup folder.


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